Self-Forgiveness Process - More Detailed Version

This has been written as if there were a guide present. To use this on your own, you must act as both Guide and Forgiver. These are two functions, they do not have to be two people. It became too confusing writing parts of this without referring to these two functions separately, as if it involved two people. If you have a helper, let them be the guide. If you have no helper, you must put yourself into both roles as you go through the process. It can be done.



Forgiveness is the cancellation of the conditions in the mind that are blocking the full flow of love or Life Energy, independently of the behaviour of others. It is a free personal choice and act of will.


The Self-forgiveness process can also be seen as the process of (i) reconnecting with the best in you, (ii) invoking the best in you, (iii) becoming the best in you, (iv) expressing the best in you. It is truly the act of becoming one's Self. Your willingness to invoke your Self and to receive Its gifts is all that counts.

The personality can and must initiate the process by choosing and willing it, but the Higher Self is the source of the qualities and energies needed. Our emotional and intellectual parts do not seem able to forgive completely without bringing in the energies from spiritual or transdersonal level of our consciousness. Forgiveness involves our total being. It is also very much easier and lighter if you adopt the mind-set of looking for the errors in your mind in order to self-correct with joy!

THE FORGIVER should speak the process aloud and the GUIDE can write out the key personal parts, or, if alone, the FORGIVER should speak and write it out to bring it into the body. It can be helpful for those who grew up with a different language than English to also put the whole process back into their natural language. This can have profound effects. Compare the two to find out which works best for you.

Here is a flow-chart of the steps in the process:



Link here to go on to SF Step Two and Three - Mobilising the Will and Deciding to Forgive

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