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Chapter 1: To live a better life
The Law of Karma - What you have done comes back to you

What you have done comes back to you. This is the Law of Karma. If you give suffering to other souls, suffering will come back to you in the future; and if you give pleasure, then pleasure will return to you. Pleasures or sufferings that we feel are all caused by ourselves.

In a general Japanese context, the word Karma denotes unvirtuous deeds and unvirtuous effects, but this is not accurate. Karma itself is neither virtuous nor unvirtuous. It simply means that when all conditions are fulfilled, the cause brings forth its effect. In other words, a virtuous cause brings about a virtuous effect and an unvirtuous cause brings about an unvirtuous effect. A cause that is neither virtuous nor unvirtuous brings about an effect that is neither virtuous nor unvirtuous. This is Karma or the law of cause and effect.

From Tathagata Abhidhamma, Book 1

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