Spiritual Disciplines Course.

Introduction to the Discipline of Prayer.


During the week set aside specific time to spend in prayer. You may only feel ready to spend 10 mins, 4 times during the week., or you may want to spend 30 mins, 3 times a day, every day, it's up to you. Remember don't try to run a marathon unless you are fit enough, and have been training for a long time. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.

During these times you may want to use some of the exercises. You don't have to use all the exercises, they are simply there as examples in case you need something. Do try and use at least one though.

You could also use the following Bible readings and pray in response to what they evoke in you. Again, you may use them in any order you want, and spend as long as you need on each one:


Matthew 6: 5-15
Psalm 103
Psalm 51
Psalm 150
Matthew 26: 36-46
James 5: 13-18
Mark 9: 14-29


The pattern of prayer.
The prayer of worship.
The prayer of repentance.
The prayer of thanksgiving.
The prayer of guidance.
The prayer of faith.
The prayer of command.

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