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5 Complete Bibles, plus The Four Gospels from the New King James Version

22 Christian Authors, 32 books, including Open Mind, Open Heart; The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel, by Father Thomas Keating; The Sayings of Mother Teresa; The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Laurence, and The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis


Lectio Divinia - contemplative reading

6 articles

Prayer - 45 folders

Various Topics - 43 folders, including The Roots of Mysticism, by Cynthia Bourgeault; The Miracles and Healings of Jesus, and Some Favorite Prayers and Reflections


     Teachers in this section include:

Mother Teresa 

Laurence Freeman


      Tibetan Buddhism | TheravadaZenPure Land  |  Poetry
Thich Nhat HanhMiscellaneousWorld Religions | Chinese Mahayana 

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